And then you realise how things have changed…

It has been a long while since I have posted anything here. Mainly due to not having the time or inclination to do so. There are many things I could blame but after mentally listing them all I realised that none of it really matters.
I’ve written down ideas constantly in the last year, thinking ‘that would make a great blog post’. Not once did one of them make it from paper to screen.
I admit there are many times where I have genuinely missed writing here, more so I have missed the interactions I had with the people who also use this site. At the time of using WordPress more often I was perhaps feeling a little low. I generally don’t like interaction with people. When I say that I mean in ‘actual’ life. I work as a barman/bar manager, part of my job is participating in other peoples conversations/lifes. I’m very, very good at my job and at social interaction, however when I have finished work I like nothing more than my own time. Spent alone.
This all changed last Christmas when I decided to get engaged. I’d met someone whom, for the first time in my life, I actually wanted to spend my life with.
In the course of the last year my biggest area to work on was my new lack of personal time. I was no longer alone. However great that maybe sometimes I have struggled.
With a new step in the most serious relationship I’ve ever had Β I realised that I have a new family.
A new family that adores me (not even being big headed). My best friend for the last year has been my partners younger brother. I have a new Grandparent, who after I got a little emotional one night has fully filled the gap left by the death of my own grandparents. And so on… I actually spend more time with this new family than I do with my own. They have all really accepted me and that is an amazing feeling.

I’m not entirely sure where this post was going so I’m actually just going to post it and walk away.

But anyone who may still follow this site- A very Happy New Year. Hope to see you and your posts around.


(And going to post has proved that I don’t actually remember how to do it properly)


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